
Get A+ grade in your academic assignments with this grammar checker

There is no doubt that academic assignments are quite tough. Even if you a topic inside out, it is quite challenging to come up with a good paper. One of the challenges is fact-finding. Get A+ grade in your academic assignments with this grammar checker

Get A+ grade in your academic assignments with this grammar checker

To write a good term paper or dissertation, having several facts up your sleeve is the key. This helps in creating good strong flow and constructs a positive impact.

Academic assignments are expected to increase the knowledge level of readers. If a paper does not have unique facts, a reader would be unable to go through the content with interest.

Grammatical mistakes are hard to avoid while writing

Getting an A+ grade in an academic assignment is never an easy goal to achieve. It is a long term process that requires students to work hard regularly.

The challenges start with topic selection. Convincing the advisor about a certain topic is not a simple goal.

The clock starts ticking as soon as it has been finalized. Not being able to complete an academic paper before the deadline is probably the biggest sin that a student can commit.

If you are unable to wrap things on time, the advisor would give you the strictest glare imaginable.

Why do students make grammatical errors in the first place? Are these mistakes intentional or committed due to a lack of attention? By going through the following aspects, you would be able to grasp the importance of a grammar checker.

Timeframe required for proofreading is reduced

It is important to have a smooth process in place for writing an academic paper. In most cases, things get messed up because students do not have proper time frames for each task.

Academic papers have writing tasks for each individual chapter. It is common to make grammatical mistakes when you are putting the thoughts on paper.

This does not mean that the submission can be made without proofreading.

  • An academic paper does not comprise of few paragraphs which can be checked instantly. The average word count of these assignments is 5000 or more. Hence, you can forget about getting done with proofreading instantly. While listing down all the writing tasks and scheduling things, make sure that there is enough time for each activity.
  • A student should never forget that deadlines are extremely important for academic assignments. The moment you start working on a dissertation or research assignment, your advisor would keep reminding you about the time left for the final submission. This is not a fluke and the student is expected to take it seriously. You can end up with a disastrous grade if the paper is not delivered on time. Why do students mostly fail to complete things on time? A common cause is not spending time on the right task. Spending hours on grammatical checks and proofreading is not wise. With a good tool, you can get better outputs and that too in seconds.

No rechecking and confirmations are needed

Proofreading manually is possible but has countless cons as well. Always being doubtful about whether everything has been checked properly or not is one of them.

Most students are dubious even after reading through the content ten times. The use of a proper grammar checker is a more fruitful alternative.

The efficiency levels produced through human proofreading and usage of an online tool cannot be compared in any way. Humans make mistakes even if they are gifted with the smartest mindsets.

The same cannot be said for online tools and grammar checkers are not an exception.

  • A good grammar checking tool saves you from the hassle of rechecking. If it shows that there are errors, you rectify them, perform another check and then make a submission if no issues are revealed. Once a reputed tool shows that the content is free of mistakes. no further checking is needed before submission.
  • A good academic assignment can only be written if the student is not under any kind of pressure. It becomes hard to manage things when he has to focus on proofreading as well. Secondly, even after burning precious hours, errors remain unchecked because manual proofreading is not completely dependable.
  • Considering the deadlines that academic papers have the effort students need to invest, it is not possible to waste even few minutes. Grammar checkers help in saving a lot of time because students do not have to do any proofreading.

Also read: Best plagiarism checker for research papers free

Efficiency not compromised

There is no need to read written content several times if the correctness level is less than 100%.

Unfortunately, this is the case when a tool is not used or a substandard one is selected.

On the other hand, if you have a reliable application at your disposal, things would be much easier to manage.

  • An important point to understand is that even a single grammatical error means a question mark on content reliability. Thus, users should not select work in a hurried manner.


The grades awarded after academic assignment submissions are quite important. Ending up with low grades can cause issues in getting good employment options. Not submitting the paper on time or delivering them with mistakes bring the grades down. What is the best solution of completing a paper without errors in a short time span?

To start with, the alternative of manual proofreading should not be considered. It is not efficient and consumes a lot more time than needed. On the other hand, when an online application is used, students do not have to think about delayed submissions or efficiency problems. From beginning to end, proofreading is done by the application.

It is not that simple to work on academic papers and students have to work out of their skin. Grammar checkers make things simpler for them. In a nutshell, they can afford to focus on research tasks, content filtering and comparison of online sources. Grammar checkers are free online applications so the usage becomes convenient for them. So we hope you liked the topic on Get A+ grade in your academic assignments with this grammar checker