Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application

Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application [Important dates, eligibility, procedure, link to apply]

Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application is now open. Check here the important date, procedure, Election process, and application link.

Academy of Medical Sciences fellowship application

What is an Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship?

Fellowship in the Academy by the Academy of medical sciences, UK  is granted to individuals who have made exceptionally significant contributions to the medical sciences, whether via original research or long-term scholarly work.

Fellows are chosen mostly from academic medicine and biomedical science, but also from related fields such as veterinary medicine, dentistry, laboratory science, medicine, and nursing.

The majority of applicants are chosen for their exceptional contributions to the development of medical science or for the creative application of already-developed scientific information or insight to improve human health and wellbeing.

A lesser number of candidates who have excelled in other areas may be elected, such as:

  • Those who have contributed to medical science by leadership, inspiration or the advancement of medical science in a senior management capacity.
  • Those who have raised the public understanding or appreciation of medical science.
  • Those who in other ways have rendered conspicuous service to medical science.

Election process

  • The Fellowship Manager, Russell Crandon, and the Registrar, Professor Dame Jessica Corner FMedSci, supervise an annual election.
  • The only people who may nominate a candidate for Fellowship are Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Three Fellows are required to support candidates: a Principal, a second nominator, and a third nominator. First-time nominees are automatically able to run for office for 5 years in a row.
  • After the fifth (unsuccessful) election, the candidate will lapse for a period of 2 years before they can be re-nominated.
  • Candidates are examined by eight sectional committees, which then suggest candidates to the council for election. Each committee member has a three-year term.
  • The number of Fellows to be elected each year should not exceed 60.  Of this number, up to 53 may be assigned to the Sectional Committees and up to seven may be reserved as ‘floating’ candidates that can be used to elect additional Fellows in any of the sections or to build capacity in new areas.

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Citizens of the United Kingdom are often the only ones who can run for election as Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences. This also applies to foreign nationals who live in the UK. In exceptional cases, foreign citizens who are residents of another country who are applying for fellowships will be taken into consideration; these applicants must have close ties to the UK medical science community and consistently contribute to modern British science.

The Academy of Medical Sciences is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and diversity in its operations. This is true for all aspects of Academy activities, including the selection of Fellows. The Academy will work to ensure that no person or group is treated more or less favorably than others on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, or belief. This is within the guidelines for eligibility for nomination to Fellowship.

Potential new candidates for Fellowship should take note of the following –

  • Only Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences may make a nomination. Candidates must be supported by three Fellows: a Principal, a second and third nominator.

Principal Nominators will be the primary contact for everything to do with a candidate’s nomination.  The Academy does not have any direct contact with candidates.

A valid nomination should consist of the following: –

  • Completed nomination details (entered via eLect)
  • Acknowledgment of nomination form, to be signed and completed by the candidate online.
  • Candidate supporting documents uploaded to eLect candidate profile.
  • Reprints of the candidate’s top ten publications/outputs (uploaded to eLect).

The following information will be required for each candidate:-

  • A citation (of no more than 300 words)
  • Summary of achievements (to reference the top 10 principal contributions; no longer than 500 words)
  • 10 principal contributions (as referenced in the summary of achievements)
  • Curriculum vitae (to be no more than 4 sides of A4)
  • Full list of publications/outputs
  • Overseas candidates are required to have a Letter of Contribution outlining their unique contribution to supporting and advising UK biomedical science

Candidates nominated for the first time are automatically eligible for election for five consecutive years. After the fifth (unsuccessful) election, the candidate will lapse for a period of 2 years before they can be re-nominated.  

Candidates in their final year of candidacy will automatically go out for peer review if they score 2.5 or above in the first round scoring and have not been out for review before.

With the start of each new election cycle, the Academy will contact the Principal Nominators of existing candidates, as well as the candidates themselves, to invite them to update their candidate’s nomination. This occurs between July and September and is an important part of the process; candidates whose nominations are not updated can be disadvantaged. 

Important dates for the Election timetable 2022-2023

  • July 2022 Election is open for new and updated nominations made via eLect.
  • 23 September 2022 Deadline for nominations.
  • October – December 2022 First round scoring by Sectional Committee members; Sectional Committee Chairs meet to shortlist candidates for peer review (November 2022).
  • January – February 2023 Peer review of the shortlist by Fellows and external experts.  At least three referees’ reports are required.
  • March 2023 Individual Sectional Committees meet to score the final list of candidates for election.
  • April 2023 Formal election of new Fellows at Council meeting.
  • May 2023 Fellowship Committee meets to review the election year.
  • For more information, please contact Russell Crandon, Fellowship Manager, [email protected].

Find more details on this Academy of medical sciences fellowship application Click here

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